Showered in Spring and Manic in May

After a lean period of sales for Manyatta in March – no guesses for working out why – April came to life thanks firstly to the wonderful Freddie, secretary of the illustrious Eton Ramblers Cricket Club. The first attempt at a Ramblers design last year was unimpressive and not worth sending to its recipient. I shan’t name him but watch the Real Marigold Hotel on BBC and you will see him!

Freddie sent out a clarion call for the new, accurate design and the response was impressive, somewhat to my relief! The orders have since been coming in and we are still receiving more. Good news!

This was followed up by posting in Radio H-P, a private members club in which you can advertise your wares and services. Well, I can’t recommend Radio H-P highly enough – the first commission came approximately 30 minutes after the post went live and I had a good feeling more were to come.

We have been non-stop since then. Some of the orders were for clubs I can name – Old Stoics, Old Radleians, Guards, Scarlet and Gold and so on.

Others are new and as such, unofficial. It’s very important to the reputation and ethos of Manyatta that we do not name these institutions until the day they are official recognised by that body. We cannot trade on the name of an institution without asking permission first.

I would love to write a longer website blog but I am in the middle of processing all these orders and the client always comes first. Better get back to it then and thank you to all of our marvellous clients and commissioners!

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