United States visit
A rather belated blog post about my trip to the United States as I was rather laid low with a virus on my return!
I went primarily to celebrate the life of John Umberger. I have previously written a post about him and his tragic passing.
His mother, the incredible Linda Clary, organised a week of celebrations under the name 'The Campaign Continues' and everything was tied in to a particular aspect of John's life, from his work on Capitol Hill, through his philanthropic interests such as restoring the trees on Massachusetts Avenue, to his favourite restaurants and hang-outs.
The highlight was the Celebration of Life party held at The Homer Building, near The White House. Incredibly well- attended and so many people said the same thing, namely that they had no idea just how many people John knew.
I may detail some more specific American belt projects in another blog or blogs, but for now, I just want to express my huge thanks to Linda in particular (an incredibly strong woman), but also to Rick and Whitney, Sean and Lauren and other Washington based people too many to mention, who hosted me and made my stay such a pleasurable one.
The campaign continues!