Our latest commissions!

The process of displaying a new belt on our website can be quite a lengthy one - we create a sample belt and wait for approval for it. 

This can be quite a long process, particularly as the first belt (and even the 2nd or 3rd!) can be rejected (quite rightly!) by the institution due to style or, more often, the shade of the beads. 

Bearing in mind it can take a month for the recipient to inspect the sample belt, you can appreciate the timescale involved and the patience needed! 

Then we need to seek approval for us to upload to our website – we are incredibly fortunate to have secured the approval of some of the most prestigious clubs in the country and, correctly, it should be sold to members only. 

There are so many commissions currently somewhere in the above process and I would so love to reveal them but all in good time! 

We are so pleased to announce that approval has been kindly given by the following clubs, schools and regiments since the last newsletter: 

Lloyd’s Golf Club 

Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club 

Rye Golf Club 

Bembridge Sailing Club 

Old Malvernian Golfing Society 

Old Alleynians (Dulwich College) 

Old Rossallians 

Old Wykhamists 

The King’s Royal Hussars

The 14th/20th Hussars 

The Royal Dragoon Guards 

In addition to these, we are so grateful to the following for agreeing to contact their members again about the relevant belts: 

Old Gregorians (Downside School) 

Old Radleians 

Old Rugbeians 

Old Shirburnians

The Naval & Military (‘In & Out’) Club 

A huge thank you to all those helpful individuals who have liaised with us about their own particular belt. There are too many to name but your support has been so appreciated, both by us in the UK and our wonderful beaders in Kenya.

Thanks for reading. 


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Traditional Belts