A reminder of bespoke belts in stock......

Inevitably we send belts to customers which don't fit - we appreciate that it is difficult to buy a present for someone and guarantee the correct size.

This means that we have quite a list of belts which we can send straightaway - no need for the 4 week wait!

5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards

Bath Rugby Club 36

Cirencester 34

Eton Vikings 34

Exeats Cricket Club 42

’Garrick’ 36

Hawks 36

MCC horizontal 38, 42

MCC vertical 34

Old Bedfordian 34, 36

Old Bradfieldian 36

Old Bryanstonian 36

Old Carthusian 34

Old Haileyburian 38

Old Harrovian  41

Old Ludgrovian 36

Old Oakhamian 34

Old Oundelian 36, 42

Old Rossalian 42

Old Rugbeian 32, 34

Old Salopian 38

Old Shirburnian 34

Old Stoic 32, 36

Old Wykehamist 43

Pinstripe Highlanders 32

RCP 42


Rifles 34

Royal Company of Archers vertical design 42

Royal Dragoon Guards 34, 36

Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Vandyke) 34

Royal Yacht Squadron 34, 40


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Traditional Belts